flyweight pattern for DynamicExponents and/or DynamicUnits ?
performance tests and tuning
XML default input/output
boost serialisation support
provide parsing facility via formula object a) use boost::ptr_vector for formula object (therefore make calculator_atoms boost::clonable) b) make formulaobject::evaluate() thread safe using thread specific storage for stack.
what about k°C ? It is explicitly mentioned on the NIST website, but what does it mean? How should it be parsed? Supposedly, 1 k°C is to be interpreted as 1000°C, that is 1273.15K.
provide mathmatical constants (like e, pi, ..)
provide physical constants (like h, R, c0,..)
check for whitespace acceptance in parser (e.g. space allowed in between factors, but not between "kilo" and "gram").
proper documentation like for Boost.
boost::noncopyable in appropriate places
make sure every header is self-contained, i.e. it may be included at the first position of a file. Therefore it needs to include all required other headers.
set up a little test suite
Generated on Mon Apr 2 22:25:06 2007 for physical_svn by 1.5.1-p1