00001 00002 /*============================================================================= 00003 physical quantities / units / constants 00004 Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Martin Schulz 00005 http://physical.sourceforge.net 00006 00007 This is private code by Martin Schulz. 00008 00009 Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software 00010 License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 00011 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) 00012 =============================================================================*/ 00013 00014 #ifndef PHYSICAL_UNITSYMBOL 00015 #define PHYSICAL_UNITSYMBOL 00016 00017 #include "physical/quantity.hpp" 00018 #include "physical/unit.hpp" 00019 00020 namespace physical { 00021 00044 namespace unitsymbol_si_double { typedef double real; namespace quantity=quantity_si_double; namespace unit=unit_si_double; }; 00045 00046 00050 namespace unitsymbol_si_float { typedef float real; namespace quantity=quantity_si_float; namespace unit=unit_si_float; }; 00051 00052 #define UNITSYMBOL0(AAA) namespace unitsymbol_si_double { AAA; }; namespace unitsymbol_si_float { AAA; }; 00053 00054 00055 00056 // symbols for SI base units (from NIST table 1) 00057 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::length m = unit::meter ); 00058 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::mass kg = unit::kilogram ); 00059 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::time s = unit::second ); 00060 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::electric_current A = unit::ampere ); 00061 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::temperature K = unit::kelvin ); 00062 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::amount_of_substance mol = unit::mole ); 00063 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::luminous_intensity cd = unit::candela ); 00064 00065 // symbols for ... (from NIST table 3) 00066 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::plane_angle rad = unit::radian ); 00067 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::solid_angle sr = unit::steradian ); 00068 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::frequency Hz = unit::hertz ); 00069 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::force N = unit::newton ); 00070 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::pressure Pa = unit::Pascal ); 00071 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::energy J = unit::joule ); 00072 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::power W = unit::watt ); 00073 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::electric_charge C = unit::coulomb ); 00074 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::electric_potential_difference 00075 V = unit::volt ); 00076 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::capacitance F = unit::farad ); 00077 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::electric_resistance Omega = unit::ohm ); 00078 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::electric_conductance S = unit::siemens ); 00079 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::magnetic_flux Wb = unit::weber ); 00080 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::magnetic_flux_density T = unit::tesla ); 00081 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::inductance H = unit::henry ); 00082 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::luminous_flux lm = unit::lumen ); 00083 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::illuminance lx = unit::lux ); 00084 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::activity_of_a_radionuclide 00085 Bq = unit::becquerel ); 00086 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::absorbed_dose Gy = unit::gray ); 00087 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::dose_equivalent Sv = unit::sievert ); 00088 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::catalytic_activity kat = unit::katal ); 00089 00090 00091 00092 // FIXME: yet to be filled (cf. NIST website, udunits.dat etc) 00093 00094 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::mass g = unit::gram ); 00095 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::length km = unit::kilometer ); 00096 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::length mm = unit::millimeter ); 00097 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::time min = unit::minute ); 00098 UNITSYMBOL0( const static quantity::time h = unit::hour ); 00099 00100 00101 #undef UNITSYMBOL0 00102 00103 }; // namespace physical 00104 00105 #endif
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